WIN Summer 2011

Grow Food

Volume: 28

Number: 3

Field Report

  On May 5, Field Organizer Ali Issa gave a brief presentation to about 50 people at the American Friends Service Committee Friend’s Center in Philadelphia entitled “Iraq’s Tahrir Square” about the pro-democracy movement there. Ali also got the chance to connect with delegates that had recently visited Afghanistan with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and…

WRL News

WRL News

Summer 2011 WRL Celebrates Release of Two Antimilitarist Resources On June 28, WRL and the Ya-Ya Network, a youth-led antimilitarist organization based in New York City, launched a new counter-recruitment leaflet, “Know Before You Go: ‘Cause There’s No Reset Button.” Written by youth organizers for people doing counter- military recruitment work, “Know Before You Go”…

The 2012 WRL Peace Calendar

The 2012 WRL Peace Calendar

A Chapter Ends…the Story Goes On “My relationship with the WRL Peace Calendar began over the 1968 Thanksgiving weekend when volunteers sat around a table stuffing the just-off-the-presses spiral-bound datebooks into envelopes,” writes former staffer Wendy Schwartz in her afterword for WRL’s 2012 Peace Calendar, Organize This! “Ralph DiGia, the most effective motivator of volunteers…

Local Report: WRL Portland

When job and educational opportunities are limited or financially out of reach, how can truth-in-recruiting activists sensitively guide youth to those alternatives to military enlistment that will be fulfilling to them and contribute to a better world? Endless wars drain economic resources that could provide education, jobs, health care, housing, and other services. Antiwar activists…

BOOK REVIEW: Day of Honey

BOOK REVIEW: Day of Honey

The Flavor of Freedom…and War Day of Honey: A Memoir of Food, Love and War By Annia Ciezadlo Free Press, 2011, 400 pages, $26 Annia Ciezadlo is a self-described “Polish-Greek-Scotch- Irish mutt from working-class Chicago…who curses like a sailor.” She says she will “eat anything, from tongue to tripe to grilled lamb testicles…a delicacy in…

Your Letters

Matt Jones WIN’s notice (WIN, Spring 2011) about the death (and life) of Matt Jones prompts me to pass along a story he told me. I interviewed Matt in 1964 in Los Angeles while he was traveling for SNCC and the Council of Federated Organizations (conducting the Mississippi project of that year). Among the stories…

WIN Letter

Hungry? Let’s eat! Yet for much of the world, it’s not that simple. Many people across the globe—and not a few in these United States—live with unsatisfied hunger on a daily basis. A surprising number of them live in countries that are, like our own, rich in resources and even arable land, but in which…

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