WRL is Hiring a New Organizing Team!

The War Resisters League seeks to hire two passionate and dedicated individuals to make up its core programmatic team. The National Campaigner and the Field Organizer will work together to coordinate, develop, and implement WRL programmatic work, including building campaigns to fulfill WRL’s mission and strategic priorities.

We are seeking two experienced and committed grassroots organizers with skills in the following areas:

  • Campaign development and implementation
  • Curriculum development, workshop facilitation, and public speaking
  • Nonviolent direct action and antimilitarism
  • Collaborative work in coalitions and networks
  • Base-building and Leadership Development of membership
  • Alignment with the core political vision of the WRL and a commitment to antimilitarism, revolutionary nonviolence and opposition to all forms of imperialism.

The National Campaigner will:

  • Coordinate, develop, and implement WRL programmatic work, including working with the Field Organizer to build campaign goals, strategies, and tactics in line with WRL’s mission and strategic priorities.
  • Create actions, trainings, and mobilization opportunities for WRL members and supporters.
  • Develop resources such as workshops, brochures, statements, and other political education materials to strengthen antiwar and antimilitarism organizing both nationally and locally.
  • Identify and pursue media opportunities to raise the profile of WRL
  • Represent WRL in coalitions and develop relationships with allies to further fulfill WRL’s mission and strategic priorities.

The Field Organizer will:

  • Work with the National Campaigner to build campaign goals, strategies, and tactics in line with WRL’s mission and strategic priorities.
  • Mobilize and expand support for WRL campaigns among members and others through local organizing efforts on a national scale, including coordinating direct action.
  • Help build and participate in coalitions by fostering, strengthening, and nurturing relationships with allied organizations and targeted community groups.
  • Conduct trainings for WRL members and supporters.
  • Hold NYC events to connect with local organizing and activism.

Overall Qualifications:

  • Familiarity with past and present peace and social justice movements. Alignment with the core political vision of the WRL and a commitment to antimilitarism, revolutionary nonviolence, and opposition to all forms of imperialism.
  • Commitment to grassroots organizing, with emphasis on base building, leadership development, and collaborative work in coalitions and networks.
  • Experience in grassroots campaigning, overall strategy development, and implementation.
  • Experience in resource development, leading workshops and trainings, and public speaking.
  • Comfort with working in non-hierarchical collaborative office setting.
  • Proven ability to work both independently and in close coordination with a team.
  • Strong ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities.
  • Demonstrated comfort with self-initiated work and managing multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Computer proficiency, especially knowledge of word processing, database programs, basic HTML and email systems.
  • Basic knowledge of content management system software
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills.
  • Strong facilitation and agenda-setting skills.

Both positions are based in New York City and require occasional travel and a flexible schedule (including some nights and weekends). These are full-time salaried positions. The yearly salary for each is $50,374 with individual benefits, including health insurance, paid vacation and a 5% IRA contribution after the first year.

To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and three references to  jobs [at] warresisters.org with either “Campaigner” or “Organizer” in the subject line. Materials should be PDFs or Word files, with filenames formatted as ‘Name_resume’, ‘Name_coverletter’ by email. We will accept applications on a rolling basis until June 1. We will not accept phone calls regarding the position.

The War Resisters League affirms that all war is a crime against humanity.  We are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war, including racism, sexism and all forms of exploitation. As a leading radical voice in the antiwar movement, WRL’s revolutionary nonviolent strategy builds cross-movement analysis and international solidarity, supports conscientious objectors and GI resisters, challenges military recruitment, advocates for war tax resistance, against the use of teargas in prisons, and trains for and organizes nonviolent direct action. WRL’s No SWAT Zone campaign challenges state violence and the militarization of policing, focusing on the proliferation of national and international SWAT expos that train police in repressive tactics against social movements rising globally and domestically.

WRL has a non-hierarchical staffing structure, with all staff paid equally, that is accountable to multiple bodies within the organization. The National Office staff operates collectively, meets weekly, and is accountable to an Administrative Coordinating Committee (a NY-based interim body of WRL’s National Committee), which meets with staff monthly. Our work is directed by the WRL National Committee, which meets face-to-face twice a year. All staff, part- and full-time, attend ACC and National Committee meetings.

WRL is actively committed to seeking the full representation and participation all people, including people of color, people who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans, and Gender Non-Conforming (LGBTSTGNC), and people with disabilities, as well as people representing various ages, classes, and cultural backgrounds. Such diversity is sought throughout WRL’s staff and decision-making bodies.

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