WRL Centennial History Blog

The 1971 May Day Actions

War Resisters League - One Hundred Years of Nonviolent Resistance

With the slogan “If the government won’t stop the war [in Vietnam], we’ll stop the government,” the largest mass arrests in U.S. history – 13,500 – occurred in May 1971 as hundreds of autonomous affinity groups from around the country converged on Washington, DC.

WRL Volunteers: Mid Century

Long-time WRL staffer Wendy Schwartz reflects on volunteers who helped in the WRL office in the mid-20th century. WWI and WWII draft resisters, an FBI informer, and many others did office work at 5 Beekman Street and later at the Peace Pentagon.

The WRL Pie Chart

Today, March 14, is Pi Day (3.14), which brings to mind WRL’s annual pie chart. With millions of copies distributed, it is the most disseminated piece of literature in WRL’s history.

Mandy Carter: Scientist of Activism Exhibit and WRL Southeast

Black lesbian feminist activist Mandy Carter's work was the focus of the "Mandy Carter: Scientist of Activism" exhibit at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, from June 10 to December 3, 2023 and an online exhibit. The exhibit features Carter's work with WRL, including staffing the Southeast office of WRL. WRL Southeast is the focus of an online exhibit created by former WRL staffer Kimber Heinz.


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