J Is For Jannat Tshirt
Honor WRL’s 2016 Peace Award winner Jannat Alghezzi, of OWFI, the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq!
Jannat serves as OWFI’s Media Director and coordinates between OWFI’s growing number of shelters for women escaping domestic violence and ISIS. Jannat herself came up through OWFI’s shelter system, which she desribes as “schools” of politicization and empowerment. WRL’s 2016 Peace Award affirmed the importance of a focus on liberatory movements in Iraq now, in the face of a global image associated only with war and sectarianism.
All proceeds from t-shirt sales will be shared with OWFI.
Learn more about WRL’s 2016 Peace Awardee Jannat Alghezzi and more about the work of OWFI, the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq.
Union made 100% Cotton T-shirt.
Graphic design by Rosa Booth.
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