WIN Winter 2015 – This Means War: The Militarization of the Police
Volume: 31
Issue Number: 1
To the extent war has, in fact, “seeped back and flooded” civil spheres, often with military-grade weaponry and mounting body-counts – particularly in black and brown communities—what, then, of an anti-war movement?
13 in stock
This issue of WIN seeks to explore this question, not merely in terms of police militarization as it has been conventionally reported (particularly in the mounting aftermath of the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO), but in terms of its global dynamics, its economics, and those seeking to challenge and dismantle it.
Xloi Fayre sits down with author and activist Kristian Williams to discuss counter-insurgency and its migration from foreign wars to domestic repression. Jimmy Johnson details how military tactics and technology deployed in advance of Brazil’s recent World Cup events were tested by Israel in the West Bank, representing not just an industrial export, but the construction of “surplus populations” within economic development. Yiannis Baboulias offers an, at times, personal look at police militarization in Europe under austerity measures, particularly in Greece. Ali Issa interviews Drake Jones from Boston Pink and Black about urban queers and youth of color challenging criminalization of their communities and hyper-incarceration, and we take a look at how the responses to these trends might suggest a renaissance for nonviolent resistance.
Weight | 3.7 oz |
Dimensions | 1.5 × 8.25 × 0.125 in |
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