Rosalie Riegle

Rosalie Riegle is a Contributing Editor of WIN and also serves on WRL’s National and Fundraising Committees. A peace activist since the Vietnam War, she is the author of four oral histories: Voices from the Catholic Worker, Dorothy Day: Portraits by Those Who Knew Her, Doing Time for Peace: Resistance, Family, and Community, and Crossing the Line: Nonviolent Resisters Speak Out for Peace.

My Favorite Issue: WIN on WRL’S 90th Anniversary, 2013

Joanne Sheehan and Mandy Carter at WRL’s 90th Anniversary conference. Photo by Linda Thurston.

Conversations are a crucial component of WRL work, conversations about specific nonviolent strategies, about how racism and sexism affect our decisions (sometimes when we don’t realize it), even lively discussions about brewing beer or whether the anarchists or the socialists will win a WRL softball game. So it seemed singularly appropriate for the WRL anniversary issue that Kimber Heinz, our national organizer in 2013, published the deeply personal conversation she had had with two long-time WRL leaders (and long-time friends), Mandy Carter and Joanne Sheehan.