The Granny Peace Brigade's No More War Toys, No More War campaign is designed as an informational and educational outreach to bring the issue of militarization of youth through toys and games of war to those buying gifts for the holidays.
For more info see their website at
Wear a "Don't Buy War Toys" button, send postcards, display anti-war toys posters in your home, in classrooms, places of worship or wherever people gather. See for resources.
Code Pink has a Say No to War Toys page at
TRUCE (Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment) TRUCE LogoTeachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment is a national group of educators deeply concerned about how children's entertainment and toys are affecting the play and behavior of children in our classrooms.
CEASE (Concerned Educators Allied for a Safe Environment) offers a number of resources on its Take Action Page at
No More War Toys (1991), was produced by Amy Melnick, in cooperation with Cambridge Community Television and the War Resisters League. The video is available for viewing online at The video is a TV teach-in on the campaign to stop war toys and the televised glorification of violence.
Canada's Promoting Cultures of Peace for Children offers Acts of Transformation: from War Toys to Peace Art, which asks children and youth to surrender their war toys so that they may be transformed into works of art.